Benoît and the Mandelbrots


Some upcoming concerts and a list of all past concerts. We play at private events as well as at art festivals. If you are interested visit our contact page. You'll find some recordings of past concerts in our media section.

Upcoming Shows
2025-03-15Cosmic Playgrounds @ Dieselstraße KulturzentrumEsslingen, DE
2023-04-28ARé Performing Arts Festival @ HayArt Cultural CentreYerevan, ARM
2023-04-30ARé Performing Arts Festival @ HayArt Cultural CentreYerevan, ARM
2023-04-16Ben and the Minibrots @ iterative ßpaceKarlsruhe, DE
2021-07-17Experimance Festival @ Sektor HeimatSaarbrücken, DE
2019-07-07EFFEKTE Festival @ EFFEKTE-Bühne, Otto-Dullenkopf-ParkKarlsruhe, DE
2019-04-26Cosmic Playgrounds @ Dieselstraße KulturzentrumEsslingen, DE
2019-01-18Concierto de clausura @ ICLC 2019Madrid, ES
2018-04-21Algorave @ ZKMKarlsruhe, DE
2018-04-05VII. Festival für Improvisierte MusikKarlsruhe-Durlach, DE
2017-11-18TEDxKIT @ KIT – Campus SüdKarlsruhe, DE
2017-10-28Algorave Nõmmel @ Von Glehni TeaterTallinn, EE
2017-09-30VFMM meets SYFF - Best of Musik @ AcephaleKöln, DE
2017-06-02Tiefklang präs. DSCI4 @ MauerpfeifferSaarbrücken, DE
2017-04-22Concert @ MusikinstrumentenmuseumBerlin, DE
2017-03-09trugschluss Konzert #10 @ WERK1Munich, DE
2016-11-10Workshop and Concert @ iWeek New Media Art FestivalLiepāja, LV
2016-10-12Opening Concert @ ICLC 2016Hamilton, CA
2016-07-23GAMMA Festival @ TBASaint Petersburg, RU
2016-05-20nil #5 @ KOHIKarlsruhe, DE
2016-05-19Phonophon @ INMFrankfurt (Main), DE
2016-05-06Algorave @ RavensbourneLondon, UK
2016-04-30Algorave @ Abject GalleryNewcastle, UK
2016-04-29Algorave @ ODI LeedsLeeds, UK
2016-02-06GLOBALE: Performing Sound, Playing Technology @ ZKMKarlsruhe, DE
2015-11-14Algorave @ JubezKarlsruhe, DE
2015-06-27EFFEKTE Zukunftsnacht @ Pavillon-Bühne, SchlossgartenKarlsruhe, DE
2015-06-18Angewandte Elektronik TV @ AKKKarlsruhe, DE
2015-05-21„20 Jahre andrena“-Party @ IHKKarlsruhe, DE
2015-01-17Algorave @ JubezKarlsruhe, DE
2014-11-21Talk and Concert @ RADICALdB FestivalZaragoza, ES
2014-07-11AppArtAward 2014 Awards Presentation @ ZKMKarlsruhe, DE
2013-12-05Live Coding @ MehrspurZürich, CH
2013-12-07Artist Talk and Workshop @ ZHdKZürich, CH
2013-11-07Shelly and some Mandelbrots @ AlgoraveSheffield, UK
2013-10-05Live Coding @ Jazztival 2013Bühl, DE
2013-07-27Delbrots and the Man @ Villa NachttanzHeidelberg, DE
2013-06-30Wissenschaftsfestival EFFEKTE @ EFFEKTE-DomKarlsruhe, DE
2013-06-29Live Coding Installation, Music2Go @ EFFEKTE-DomKarlsruhe, DE
2013-06-27Wissenschaftsfestival EFFEKTE @ EFFEKTE-DomKarlsruhe, DE
2013-06-22Stadtgeburtstag @ SchlossparkKarlsruhe, DE
2013-05-16Shelly and some Mandelbrots @ Algorave on MS StubnitzLondon, UK
2013-04-23Shelly and some MandelbrotsDüsseldorf, DE
2013-04-23Algorave RoundtableDüsseldorf, DE
2013-04-21Shelly and some MandelbrotsKöln, DE
2013-04-19live.code.festival 2013 @ IMWIKarlsruhe, DE
2013-03-23Delbrots and the Man @ nil is loud. @ Halle 14Karlsruhe, DE
2013-02-24Delbrots and the Man @ Network Music FestivalBirmingham, UK
2013-02-22Concert curated by The Mandelbrots @ Network Music FestivalBirmingham, UK
2012-12-09Music for Menschen am Sonntag @ SchauburgKarlsruhe, DE
2012-11-16nil #2 @ Radio OrienteKarlsruhe, DE
2012-11-15/*vivo*/ Simposio Internacional de Música y Código 2012Mexico, MX
2012-09-28Live coding @ FRÄNKYARTWeingarten, DE
2012-09-20Live coding @ SMART Project SpaceAmsterdam, NL
2012-09-01Live coding @ OK Night, Prix Ars Electronica ExhibitionLinz, AT
2012-07-06Live coding @ 3rd International Symposium on Music/Sonic ArtKarlsruhe, DE
2012-06-23Live coding & Workshop @ BEAM Festival 2012Uxbridge, UK
2012-06-09Live coding @ Gulaschprogrammiernacht 12Karlsruhe, DE
2012-05-01Playing on the internet @ Deep Wireless Festival of Radio ArtToronto, CA
2012-04-26Live coding @ Der gläserne MenschKarlsruhe, DE
2012-04-15Live coding @ SuperCollider Symposium 2012London, UK
2012-02-02TEMA and the Mandelbrots @ ZKM KubusKarlsruhe, DE
2012-01-28Live coding @ Network Music FestivalBirmingham, UK
2011-11-06Delbrots and the Man support for Oren Ambarchi @ JubezKarlsruhe, DE
2011-10-27TEMA and the Mandelbrots @ Lichthof, HfGKarlsruhe, DE
2011-10-22nil @ Radio OrienteKarlsruhe, DE
2011-10-20Love Coding support for I am in love @ CarambolageKarlsruhe, DE
2011-08-20ton:art 2011Karlsruhe, DE
2011-07-12Laptops meet musicians festival @ Giorgio Cini FoundationVenice, IT
2011-07-09Karlsruhe klingt - music to go @ Gelbe Seiten CaféKarlsruhe, DE
2011-06-16Delbrots and the Man @ Praxis Dr. Mimieux, FleischmarkthalleKarlsruhe, DE
2011-06-15next_generation 4.0 @ ZKMKarlsruhe, DE
2011-06-03Music for Dr. Mabuse der Spieler Teil 2 – Inferno @ SchauburgKarlsruhe, DE
2011-05-21Live coding Techno @ Lass uns blau machen, FleischmarkthalleKarlsruhe, DE
2011-05-14Live coding in a church @ Werder’s WohnzimmerKarlsruhe, DE
2011-03-11Session @ UND#6 Theaterbühne at 4 p.m.Karlsruhe, DE
2011-03-08Session @ UND#6 Theaterbühne at 11 p.m.Karlsruhe, DE
2011-02-16Vernissage of Robert Loos @ AdBKKarlsruhe, DE
2011-02-11Karlsruher Gespräche 2011 @ SpardaEvent-CenterKarlsruhe, DE
2011-01-29KonZerT, collaboration of ton:art and LarkipassStrasbourg, FR
2011-01-28HfM Karlsruhe ComputerStudio KonzertZKMKarlsruhe, DE
2011-01-15Session at birthday party of Friday Dunard and othersKarlsruhe, DE
2010-12-14Nadelrauschen, opening party for Oh Tannenbaum! @ HfGKarlsruhe, DE
2010-11-21Live Coding to drink beer to w. Friday Dunard DJ set @ iunoKarlsruhe, DE
2010-10-22Lange Nacht der Informatik @ DHBWKarlsruhe, DE
2010-10-03Matinée @ LINKS Heidelberger Biennale für Neue MusikHeidelberg, DE
2010-09-26SuperCollider Symposium 2010, Live Coding @ .HBCBerlin, DE
2010-08-06ton:art 2010 @ Galerie Margit HauptKarlsruhe, DE
2010-06-10Bier, Sex & Live Coding – Robert Loos’ exhibition @ AdBKKarlsruhe, DE
2010-06-01Rätselstunde/IMWI Presentation @ HfM HörsaalKarlsruhe, DE
2010-05-30Live Coding to drink beer to w. Friday Dunard DJ set @ iunoKarlsruhe, DE
2010-05-06taktlos #144 @ HfM Velte Saal and BR-KlassikKarlsruhe, DE
2010-02-12Session at a private art exhibition w. Friday DunardKarlsruhe, DE
2010-01-22HfM Karlsruhe ComputerStudio Konzert @ ZKMKarlsruhe, DE
2010-01-15Session at birthday party of Friday DunardKarlsruhe, DE
2009-12-03Bühne für unfertige Kunst @ Tanztheater Gabriela LangKarlsruhe, DE