If you found our site interesting you may also like to visit these web sites about live coding, some institutions and artists we relate to and some tools we use.
- Live coding on Wikipedia
- TOPLAP | Transnational Organisation for the Proliferation of Live Algorithm Programming
- IMWI | Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikinformatik der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe
- Delbrots and the Man - us with drummer playing drone/doom/noise
- Ganzfeld – AV project by Juan and Patrick
- SuperCollider – real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition
- BenoitLib @ GitHub – a collection of our SuperCollider extensions
- BeeNoir @ GitHub – a interactive sound installation, developed by us
- Benoît and the Mandelbrots on Wikipedia
- Blank, Julia: Sehen, was man tut. Das Laptop-Ensemble 'Benoît and the Mandelbrots' im Porträt. in: neue musikzeitung, November 2011, nmz 11/11, S. 4.
- Dupelius, Friedemann: Show us your Screens. in: Dissonance (Schweizer Musikzeitschrift für Forschung und Kreation), 03.2012, S. 34–37.
- “We all exchange roles”: How tech musicians Benoit and the Mandelbrots keep the rhythm (Goethe-Institut Sydney)